Friday 4 April 2014

DPS Planning

I have chosen to use this first DPS that I have planned because of the use of the conventions and the layout of the magazine. It also manages to keep a consistent house style. The wanted expresses the raw element of the artist because of him being brand new into the industry. Furthermore, the use of the interview assemebled at different heights relates to steps that he has taken to get where he is.

This is the other DPS I had planned that was in contention to be used for my magazine because of the consistent layout that makes use of the space on the page. The image is clear porspect of resemebling how the artist has a two sided life to him because of only being half on the page. Also the text that goes across the middle of the page diagonally above the interview gives the image of the genre being represented of the urbanisation in the genre.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Producing a copy of a whole magazine cover-Planning

This is the finished attempt (left) and the original (right):

My copy of the real VIBE magazine cover could have been improved by: bring able to get a more accurate text to resemble the house style of the original magazine cover, been able to create a more precise masthead so it would look almost identical to the real one, and istead of using a medium long shot for my main image to instead actually use a medium close up and so to crop off most of the body. In my first attempt at trying to use this sftware I think I was able use the tools that were necessary to get my mock up front cover the way it is quite well. By learning these tools it will help me in using them when it comes to producing my own front cover.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Photo Analysis for my Front Cover-Planning

 I have used this image for my real front cover of my magazine because of the angle of the shot which gives an edge to the character, linked with the background you can relate to his urbanised background. I chose this over the others because it gives the magazine cover a calm and casual look to it.
 This was the other image that was in contention to be used for the main front cover of the image because of the image capturing the attitude of the artist with his background to him as well. Although I decided not to use this image because it was to zoomed out on the model, so you couldn't see his emotions.