Friday 28 March 2014

Audience Appeal-Planning

Target Audience for Magazine

The target audience I aiming for my magazine is an age range of 16+ that enjoy rap music because I want it to be interesting and informative for the readers so they don’t get bored from reading it. Although the age range specifies 16+ it could probably stretch maybe a few years younger but probably not above the age of 40. I will successfully appeal to the target market with a bold house style and colours that will attract the eye of consumers so there will be a vast range of the public looking at buying the magazine. Also with stories the public want to read about like upcoming artists and successful musicians that in their prime at the moment, these would mostly be interviews digging into the background of the artist. The gender focus is not specifically one sided but instead just anyone who enjoys the music and wants to read about it will buy the magazine, this would increase the wider popularity of the magazine by not focusing on a specific gender. I would address the audience as friend that I have known for a long time and always be positive because people like to get away from the negativity in their life occasionally and indulge in a story that makes them look on the positive side. The magazine VIBE has been a massive influence in the how I have produced the magazine especially with the house style and colours. The boldness of the font and colours make it stand out from other magazines to buyers which I have taken on board for my magazine because it is a very popular look that got VIBE recognition. Also it makes everything stand out clearly from the contrast of the background with this selection of colours to use. Also I have taken the way VIBE is designed as an influence with the spacing between cover lines and the masthead, which has a very solid and professional look to it. This is why I am trying to get inspiration from VIBE because it’s a very popular magazine which keeps a relaxed, casual mood which is what I want to try and do with my magazine.

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