Monday 24 March 2014

Draft Prelim Mag Cover

I have created a draft magazine cover using microsoft publisher. I attempted this to see if I could make a magazine cover with the right conventions included.

The magazine cover on the right is an official VIBE magazine they released. In contrast my first attempt at a magazine cover was not as professional as this companies for obvious reasons. Although I tried to make all the cionventions of my front cover similar to the ones on the official. I managed to keep to specificall choose and house style and colour scheme for my magazine to have which is what VIBE have done brilliantly. Also by including the barcode with website and other various links to socila networking I have tried to make it look more like a professional magazine. Also I have been able to accomodate most of the conventions used such as cover lines, a main image, a puff and specifically a masthead.

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