Tuesday 25 March 2014

Draft Prelim Contents Page

I have attempted to make an effort on trying to make a magazine contents page in Microsoft Publisher.

When my making first draft of a contents page, I tried to include just the main contents to see how it came out like, and also attempted to keep the house style and colour scheme consistent to the rest of the magazine. I tried to keep to the layout style but it didn't come out too well. Although I couldn't have achieved thsi standard of quality in just a program such as Publisher but would instead need soething like Photoshop to get it anywhere close to looking like it. The use of the images on the pages are good because of the quality of them and where they are postitioned on the page. From the real magazine I imaged to establish the layout and imagery to put into my magazine although I haven't fully fulfilled the attempts there is still room for improvement on it.

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